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Imaxe del día
Imaxe del día
Creative photograph “Pocket watch” (with background from the special ammunition depot Dülmen-Visbeck, Dernekamp, Kirchspiel, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
+/− [ast], +/− [en]
Archivu multimedia del día
Ficheru multimedia del día
A real-time video of the total solar eclipse visible from ESO’s La Silla Observatory on 2 July 2019, 5 years ago. This rare event occurs when the Moon completely covers the bright face of the Sun, turning day into night.
+/− [ast], +/− [en]

Imáxenes destacaes

Si navegues por primer vegada pela 'Andecha de Wikimedia' ("Wikimedia Commons"), igual te prestaba entamar peles Semeyes destacaes, que la comunidá de Commons escoyó pola so calidá.


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